Who We Are:
The Board of Trustees is comprised of six elected members who have been sought out by the nominating committee. Each Trustee serves a three-year term. According to our denomination’s constitution (Book of Order, G-4.0101), Trustees manage property for the church, including accepting and executing deeds of title; and manage any permanent special funds. The trustees may not act without the approval of the congregation granted in a duly constituted meeting.
What We Do:
Trustees focus on many of the financial and capital issues that a church faces. Here at Capital Church, we see the Trustees’ role as that of a proactive and fiscally responsible steward of church property. The Board of Trustees executes its role by closely monitoring building needs in its annual walk-through each fall and by seeking input from the congregation. The board then identifies and prioritizes projects, investigates costs, seeks reputable contractors, and plans how to best finance the projects through capital campaigns. The board’s recommendations are then presented to the congregation for approval.
Forgiven and freed by God in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves to nurture our faith through prayer and Bible Study. By promoting the Horizons Bible Study, by encouraging personal daily devotions, and by encouraging corporate worship and study.
Support the mission of the Church Worldwide:
By promoting the "Mission Yearbook for Prayer and Study and other mission resources and encouraging the support of the validated ministries of the Presbyterian of Giddings-Lovejoy, and by supporting the Celebration Giving Programs of PW.
Work for justice and peace:
By raising the level of consciousness concerning issues of humanity with special emphasis on women and children, by promoting a commitment to peacemaking, and by focusing on the efforts of the United Nations to establish a peaceful global community.
Build an inclusive, caring community of women that strengthens the Presbyterian Church (USA) and witnesses to the promise of God's Kingdom:
By providing leadership opportunities at all levels, and by encouraging an awareness of the plight of those who are disenfranchised by society.